
Accelerated (4+1) 英语 B.A. 和M.A.

Our combined and accelerated BA 和MA program 用英语 is 的 only one of its kind 在科罗拉多州! It will allow you to gain both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in five ra的r than 的 usual six years, and it will save you thousands of tuition dollars through 的 double counting of 9 graduate credits. In addition, our 4+1 students are eligible to apply for a Teaching Assistantship or an 英语 Office 研究生 Assistantship in 的ir fifth and final year of 的 program (subject to available funding). 转移 Students with an AA/AS degree may take 的 accelerated BA 和MA as a 2+1 program and enjoy 的 same benefits.


Motivated and high-achieving students may seek to complete 的 requirements for 的 B.A. 和M.A. 我在五年内学会了英语. To obtain both degrees, students must complete all 的 requirements for 的 B.A. 在 本科目录 (120 credit hours) and all of 的 requirements for 的 standard M.A. 中描述的 的 研究生目录 (30学时). However, 的 accelerated B.A./M.A. program involves 9 credit hours that are shared between 的 Bachelor's 和Master's programs, so 的 total number of credit hours to complete 的 accelerated Master’s program is 141. 完成 requirements for both degrees is made possible by taking 的 9 double-counted B.A./M.A. credits in 的 Senior year (paid for at 的 undergraduate tuition rate) and 6 graduate-level credits (online – graduate-level tuition rate) in 的 summer following 的 Senior year and completion of 的 undergraduate program. Students remain eligible for financial aid as an undergraduate; any 研究生 School aid is not available until students are admitted as a 研究生 student.

转学 who join our 英语 Liberal 艺术 major in or before 的 junior year are also eligible to register on our accelerated program.



Due to its necessarily streamlined path of progression, admission to 的 Accelerated B.A. 和M.A. 用英语 occurs in 的 Fall semester only. 感兴趣的学生 transferring into 的 accelerated program must:

  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 to take graduate-level courses as a Senior.
  • 与英国人见面.A. Director of 研究生 Studies in 的 fall semester of 的 Junior year and apply during 的 spring semester of 的 Junior year (following 的 same procedure and meeting 的 same requirements as o的r M.A. 申请者). 完整的入学 is dependent on completing 的 B.A. requirements in 的 Senior year while maintaining 最少3个.0的绩点. The program application will be signed and forwarded to 的 研究生 School with signatures of 的 program advisor indicating 的 approval of graduate 课程转移.
  • Complete ENG 500 Introduction to 研究生 Studies in 的 fall semester of 的ir Senior year followed by two 500-level electives in 的 spring semester of that year. These are 的 9 credits that are double counted within 的 accelerated program only.
  • Students must apply for completion of 的ir UG degree 的 semester before completing UG学位(i).e. in 的 fall semester of 的ir Senior Year). 要申请,学生必须 be registered for all remaining courses in 的ir final UG semester, that is, 的 spring semester of 的ir Senior Year.
  • For information concerning specific 英语 MA courses and general program requirements, 点击 在这里


Outline for degree completion of 的 Accelerated B.A. 和M.A. 英语自由 艺术

Fall Semester, Junior year
Meet with faculty advisor or Director of 研究生 Studies and apply for 的 program

Fall Semester, Senior year
ENG 500 Introduction to 研究生 Studies (3 credits, double-counted)

Spring Semester, Senior year
Two ENG or HUM 500-599 Electives (6 credits, double counted)

One online ENG or HUM 500-699 level course (3 credits)


  • Because students are required to register for 的ir six 500-level summer credits while 的y are still UG students, 的y must call 的 Office of 的 Registrar no later than 的 drop period for 的 summer semester to change 的ir registration to graduate level

Fall Semester, fifth year

Three 500-699 ENG- or HUM-coded courses (9 credits)

Spring Semester, fifth year

Three 500-699 ENG- or HUM-coded courses (9 credits) + MA comprehensive examination